Control Design

JS Controls highly skilled and experienced engineers are experts in innovative automation and design solutions for manufacturing, with a special focus on control systems and electrical design. We provide custom electrical design systems and programming solutions to your needs, no matter the industry.

Carefully designed electrical engineering is the foundation and a highly important step in achieving the overall functionality and productivity goals of your control system and automation. JS Controls engineers take into consideration all aspects of the manufacturing process when producing electrical designs, so as to avoid design flaws that could cause issues down the road. JS Controls specializes in control panel design and electrical design services. We provide initial designs, programming, implementation, training and ongoing support. If you need help with the design of a building’s electrical systems, contact our experienced team. 

JS Controls works directly with your team to determine your specific needs and challenges and provide custom electrical design services. Upon learning about your organization our team designs a control automation system that is exactly what you need to increase productivity and efficiency while minimizing costs and remaining competitive. We have the necessary experience in electrical design systems to know exactly what your business requires to succeed.